DOL Mandatory Posters - HR's Version of the Mona Lisa
The Mona Lisa certainly has more of a following than the DOL posters, but just as the Mona Lisa is a must-see, DOL posters are a must-have.
On August 1, 2016, the DOL updated its mandatory posters for both the Federal Minimum Wage poster and the Employee Polygraph Protection Act poster. The wage poster has been revised to include a section on the rights of nursing mothers to receive reasonable break time to express breast milk, as well as new information on the consequences of incorrectly classifying workers as independent contractors. Civil monetary penalty limits have been removed from both posters, and the EPPA poster alters the toll-free phone number for employee reports of violations.
To stay compliant, human resource personnel and business owners should be sure that the newest versions of these posters are immediately displayed in the workplace. To make your jobs a little easier, I have provided below the links to these posters for your ease of reference. If you have other questions on these or any other mandatory federal and state postings, please contact me. I am no da Vinci, but I know my way around a Department of Labor poster.
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