Herbalife Distributors Continue to Win Despite War on Wall Street
This post is for the unsung heroes carrying the Herbalife organization through this difficult period. Candidly, their distributors are dominating! 2nd Quarter Earnings are in for Herbalife. All of the major metrics are up. Despite the war on Wall Street over the fate of Herbalife between several notable players, the Herbalife distributors continue to produce results. In this video, I explain the importance of their achievement. I also give a few predictions about what this conflict means for the future of the industry.
If you're interested in the financial elements surrounding Herbalife stock, check out the video below. Robert Chapman does a great job explaining the current and potential value of $HLF. He understands the network marketing model AND the markets, which makes his insight valuable. If you'll recall, Robert Chapman was literally the first professional on Wall Street to question Bill Ackman's analysis. His article titled "Herbalife: Why I Made It a 35% Position after the Bill Ackman Bear Raid," let a lot of air out of Ackman's proverbial tires. It moved the market. I'm proud to know him.http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?play=1&video=3000187031