Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against MonaVie in Arkansas
This morning, I received an email regarding a class action lawsuit against MonaVie in the state of Arkansas. The lawsuit can be filed below. There are no pyramid allegations. Instead, the attorneys are focusing on various health claims made by distributors. The lawyers in Arkansas better have some serious cash because they've just signed up for some ridiculously expensive litigation. Proving that there's a pattern of misconduct amongst tens of thousands of distributors will be a challenging task and require some substantial discovery. Plus, MonaVie takes health claims very seriously with its compliance department. If they can demonstrate a long history of disciplining distributors making inappropriate health claims, they'll argue that the facts referenced by the Arkansas lawyers are isolated incidents. Plus, as we've seen with other class action cases against network marketing companies, one of the best tools to use is the media. Where was the media attention to this one? Either I've been sleeping under a rock or nobody knew about this. It was filed in December of 2010! If this case is being litigated in a vacuum, MonaVie can fight this one all day everyday.Oliver vs MonaVie