Direct Sales and MLM

Monitium - Does their model work?

Kevin Thompson

Can someone explain me Monitium's business model? The way I understand it, distributors enroll in Monitium...Monitium strikes deals with other MLMs and negotiates away the non-competes, etc....distributors build those MLMs and leave when they want, recruiting their downlines with no fear of recourse. Am I right so far? If so, is it a good model? The downside, as I see it, is that the distributors in the Monitium database are constantly solicited by the participating MLMs. It seems like an organization with no focus. Am I missing something? It sounds like it's good for owners, who probably take top positions with each business. But as for the participating distributors, is it a good deal? What do you think?


Author Kevin Thompson is one of the most sought after MLM Attorney in the country. He owns and operates The Law Office of Kevin Thompson and specializes in providing legal services for startup direct sales organizations. Kevin Thompson has extensive experience in the direct sales space and helps entrepreneurs launch their businesses on secure legal footing. He can be reached from his website here.

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